Why am I blogging, anyway?

In the past few years, I have been doing a lot of new things, usually with the inspiration of others. I have found blogs very helpful to see what others have done. I would like to document what I go through as a producer, budding director, and performance artist. I appreciate reading what others have done, and I hope that I can provide some insight into the behind-the-scenes work that goes into putting shows together, as well as my observations and opinions of theater, and the arts in general.

During production time, the Arouet blog will focus on the details of upcoming productions, giving a voice to those working behind the scenes. Articles by the designers will give you glimpse into their process, and since there are as many processes as there are designers, each production should bring an insightful collection of stories. During our first two productions, we had articles by set designers, sound designers, and even an actor.  It will also be where I keep you abreast of upcoming productions.

In the downtime, it will be a place where I write about theater; a place where I will voice my observations, and some opinions, mostly on directing and producing; and on occasion you will see a guest writer. Even though the topic may stray a bit, it shall remain within the realm of theater.

I would like to hear your opinions as well, whether you agree or disagree with me. The world is much more interesting when we can discuss topics with those that don’t fully agree with us.

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